AntonyBaker. Welcome, for your introduction and first post you said a lot. Religion is what you make of it. As far as I am concerned It is designed to control people. Just look at what the JW religion does to people, talk about control. Hope you find what you are looking for. Affectionately: Brother of the Hawk ( I will surrender my mind no more, forever)
Brother of the Hawk
JoinedPosts by Brother of the Hawk
Nearly all religions are just extortion rackets
by AntonyBaker inchrist was 50/50.
god lowered himself the most to become half man.
he saw himself in the girl.
Do You Ever Give Thought To A "Great Tribulation"?
by minimus inmy mother asked me if i was thinking about it and how bad it will be in the near future.
i said i didn't give it a thought.. is it something you ever think about, now?.
Brother of the Hawk
The Great Tribulation already happened in 66-70 ce. Josephus accounts that 500 men a day were crucified. 1/2 of the world's population was killed at that time. 1.1 million people!
So if there was going to another fulfillment of that in our day, it would have to be worse.
NOBODY would survive.
Affectionately Brother of the Hawk
My Meetings With Two Elders Today, "I am not a Christian and I am going to Die!"
by ÁrbolesdeArabia inhi, my time is drawing ever closer as i can no longer speak lies about the organization and all the past revisions and my sins i committed against everyone i judged while serving on judicial committees.
i lay awake at night with guilt because i ask jehovah and his son jesus christ to forgive me for being so judgemental, self assured and arrogant at certain times in my life.
i was not a prince of peace, at times i was a coward when i was first appointed because i wanted to keep all things peaceful with my peers, not with my heavenly father and saviour jesus christ.
Brother of the Hawk
Well, well, well. Arbro. Alot of good posts here, I don't know you well, I have read some of your posts and you are doing some good. How you choose to leave is up to you. There is no such thing as a quiet fade or quiet leave, sooner or later they will get you. If it must be, than let it be, move on. For me it would be all about personal integrity and not living the LIE!. What people think is up to them. Christ said " take my yoke upon you it's kindly). All JW, JC want is CONTROL, the more you give them the more they will take. This is not the "TRUTH" you know that. Not much else I can say. I will say this Brother, If I had been someone you judged harshly in your ignorance, I FORGIVE YOU! Like King Menassa, who did far much worse, God also forgave him. Christ being the perfect reflection of his Father, also forgives you. From here on out continue to be of encouragement for us, and a source of refreshment. Kinds words are always a source of refreshment, that's why most Elders are not refreshing, their words are caustic and only reflect those who made them, the WTBT$ not Christ. Christ is about LOVE!
Affectionately: Brother of the Hawk (I will surrender my mind no more, forever)
by Gojira_101 inwell a picture says a thousand words!
i had a tattoo done today.. it was actually interesting because as i was chit chatting with the tattoo artist, she asked me if this tattoo symbolized anything....well actually it does i told her.. me: i was a jw and they are strongly against tattoos or anything that is really "normal" for people.. tattoo artist: i know all about jw, my ex-girlfriend's family was all jw, and i remember one time going over to her parents house and her grandma sat us both down and made us read some scriptures from her bible as to why we were going to hell.. me: actually you will due at armageddon, that is the jw thing.. tatt artist: oh right that is what her grandma said.
i forgot about that, you're right.. so then the rest of the conversation was just me telling her it's a cult and i told her never listen to any jw who comes knocking.. something else interesting that happened just before i came on here.
Brother of the Hawk
XYZ: Something big is probably going on with your Dad too to have made such a turnabout in his thinking on this matter so quickly ..keep an eye on him, I'm seeing red flags.
Dude, you may have struck a nerve. First of all, you do not know my family or myself. Second of all, if you are going to make a statement such as you did, qualify it!!!!. What do you mean something big? Keep an eye on him? I'm seeing red flags!!!
Having 40 plus years as a JW, my thinking was as a JW. But I always questioned things, as they related to men's conduct, ie: Elders. When I was appointed as a MS, within 2 weeks or so an elder involved me in a lie to try to get another elder removed. This story is posted already. I do realize not every post is read, Hell, no one has time for that. To make this story short, in my JW career, I have no less than 3 times written the society complaining about Elders conduct, CO's conduct, and how when these men lie, it does disqualify them from serving. So I have pushed the envelope so to speak. As Gojira stated about 10 years ago I did get my ear pierced. Guess what, I DID NOT consult with any elder regarding this. I did read what the WT mags said about this, Guess what? It's a conscience matter!!! Same as a tattoo. The qualifying statement is this, If it is culturely accepted, then it is a conscience matter. Guess what?? tattoos are culturely accepted. Although some are not in good taste, by my standards, some are exisite. In fact I have personally stopped people on the street and ask to look at their tattoo. I am an artist in my own right, and I do admire this type of art work. And perhaps some day I might get one myself. My objection with Gojira at the time of the discussion of her getting a tatoo was this. Three days prior, the local news media ran a story, stating that local tattoo parlors were again getting dirty. Not properly sterilizing needles and even having tainted ink. CAUTION< CAUTION< CAUTION< I cannot say at first my thinking did not revert back to prior JW thinking, it did, and Gojira recognized this, she also stated she did not see that news story. So she did extensive research and sought out a reputable tattoo parlor. My daughter has always listened to my thoughts on matters and has taken them to heart, but having her own conscience, I have also let her exercise it. Besides she is a married adult and has her own head, but she still respects my opinions. And I hers.
Now, as far as rebellion is concerned. It's a broad statement. She is not rebelling morally as some would think. Her tattoo and my ear piercing is a act of rebelling against the mind controll cult, that call itself Jehovah's witnesses. Thus one reason why I could not reach out any further than MS. I always did my own thinking, and called to account men who sidestepped the authority of the BIBLE!!. If you have also read any of my comments or threads I try to remember to end with this statement. (I will surrender my mind no more, forever). As long as we fear getting outted, by friends or family, the cult that calls itself Jehovahs Witnesses, still controls our minds. I too still have family that are very much active in this religion. That is a price we all must pay sooner or later.
The big thing going on in my life is this. One confirmed LIE can and will change your entire outlook on life especially as it relates to your GOD given conscience!!!!!! So yes there is something BIG going on in my life its called FREEDOM!!! I can, and so can Gojira, think for ourselves without any cult controlling what we do and think!!!! Even the freedom to change it as it suits me!!!!! As long as it hurts no one.
So when you see the word rebellion, don't be so quick to think the worst. Rebellion, as in this case is mental rebellion. Not morally.
Affectionately: Brother of the Hawk ( I will surrender my mind no more, forever)
Thank Jah for the 7/15/13 WT
by watson inoverwhelming support for the new light!.
quote from facebook:.
just read 2 of the study articles.
Brother of the Hawk
I have been a bible reader for over 40+ years now and I've still yet to find any scripture where it says there is a DUAL application to the words of Christ. Can anyone help me out? Haven't even seen it in small print or footnotes*** Affectionately Brother of the Hawk
Distrust and paranoia among faders
by cedars inhi guys.
i'm interested in knowing whether any other faders out there ever find themselves feeling a little paranoid about establishing contact with other faders or former jws, just in case the unthinkable happens and things turn sour.. personally, i'm now fairly comfortable with the idea that i will be disfellowshipped or disassociated within the next year or so.
i see it as inevitable, and an essential transition in order to do what i want to do with my life.
Brother of the Hawk
After being a Jw for over 40 years, and hopefully on a quiet fade. There is rumor of what is happening to my family, my mom and sister in-law, mostly, but I have for alot of years not been so tight with many JWs. Only two or three come to mind. And they know who they are. I saw to much hypocrisy in the conduct of men, so I pretty much stayed away from them. So I do not have any close relationships with any JW. I guess it is a good thing. My wife and daughter are also not so close with anyone. Just a select few. So If I do get found out and have to face a JC, I DON'T CARE!!!!
If people cannot accept me for me, than I dont want their friendship either.
Affectionately: Brother of the Hawk (I will surrender my mind no more, forever)
good news for the nations?! from 07/2013 WT -this is a good take!
by nowwhat? ini fully realize the revisionist history about 1919 and it has been well documented.. but what i took out of the first article about the chain of events during the great tribulation makes sense and is encouraging.. i could never understand that after doing nothing for 2000 years jehovah a god of love would wipe out 8 billion men ,women and children without given a genuine chance.
so what happens, the u.n. goes after organized religion [do'nt ask me how] then jesus starts judging.. does'nt the bible say that all who call on the name of jehovah will be saved?
so people will have a clearcut path to choose, either put their trust in god or the nations.
Brother of the Hawk
You refer to Romans 10: 13 " For everyone who calls on the name of Jehovah will be saved" WRONG!!!! get your copy of the Greek Diaglott, you will see in the Greek writing it is every one who calls on the name of the Lord, look at the spelling, it is refering to Christ, Not Jehovah , and also put Romans 10 into context, it all refers to Jesus, Not Jehovah. So while you are calling on the name of Jehovah, expecting to see salvation, guess again, it is Christ who gives salvation. Just another scripture mistranslated to suite WT ideology. Besides the U.S. has all the power not the U.N., just another misleading tidbit from WT. Start watching some documentaries on" the Secret mysteries of Americas beginnings" you will know how plain and clear this is. Also consider what Jesus said at Rev. 16:15 "I am coming as a thief", If we are all waiting for the U.N. to turn on religion, (which is all in Satans control, including the WTBT$) then what kind of a thief would Jesus be, isnt that announcing his arrival and in contrast to Rev. 18:2 "and she HAS (past tense) become a lurking place of demons and a lurking place of every unclean and hated bird." this has already happened. Think about it, every religion with it's false teachings are demonic teachings. The WTBT$ with its subliminal imagry and lies are also in line with demonic teachings [So the demons are ALREADY lurking] . I also refer you to the g89 10/22 pp.2-5 A Deadly, Growing Menace.
"Satanism, or Devil worship, is on the increase, featuring animal and human sacrifice, sexual molestation and other criminal acts." One does not have to look very far to see that the WTBT$ has , and still hides sexual predators. Thier own article says this is Satanism.
So in short, NO!!! with one presumed accurate prediction, and over 100 failed ones, we will not come back!!!!
Affectionately: Brother of the Hawk (I will surrender my mind no more, forever)
by The Searcher injesus always used illustrations to help people reason on the import of what he was saying.
here is an illustration followed by a reality;.
imagine that your heart went out to all those poor people who suffered when fukushima blew up, so much so, that when an internationally renowned charity asked for donations to help those in need, you donated $5000 to the cause.
Brother of the Hawk
I've heard of the Menlo Park KH incident also
Affectionately Brother of the Hawk
Who Are Your Past Circuit Overseers? It's a small world..
by mentallyfree31 inwho were your past circuit overseers?
i'm sure a lot of us actually know mutual people, as the co's relocate all over the country.. here's a few from the southeast us: (let me know if you recognize any names and post yours too please...).
ellwood johnson (new york/philadelphia area for several years also).
Brother of the Hawk
Dazed: Omg Gene and shirley fields. We loved them :) he was our co in Cali. Then briefly our DO in Colorado before being reassigned to some Bethel facility.
I do have 1 thing to thank Gene Fields for. He was one of the instructors at my pioneer school and because of him humiliating me in front of everyone. It made me go do some research and discovered he was WRONG! Then it is what first made me first question how can men like him be given so much power? Then he went into our cong. Removed our beloved P.O and put a foul-mouthed tyrant in the position and asked the cong. to PRAY for the changes HE made so that they work out and go smoothly.
Pioneer school was a gift I was looking forward to. Well I did learn a few things. I learned how to be humbled publically by the CO. You see the day before; during lunch it was my turn to give my exp. as to how I started pioneering. I mentioned how I prayed to Jehovah (Out loud) if he could make things work out so that I could start sooner, I would start sooner. I was planning to quit my job on the fall of the next year to pioneer, but I desired so much to start sooner, so that was my prayer.
The next morning after opening prayer this CO made it a point before class began to state that it was wrong to pray and ask Jehovah, "If you do this, than I will do that." He said it was putting God to the test. Now, I ask you all, couldn’t that have been done in private?
Affectionately Brother of the Hawk
by Stubborn Disbeliever ini'm new here, so i thought i'd start with an introduction and summary of my life, for the most part.
i have a tendancy to ramble ridiculously, so bear with me :) and this will be all over the place as thoughts take over the keyboard.. i was born a 5th generation jw.
i never really "felt" it, but was book smart about it.
Brother of the Hawk
Welcome, Stubborn Disbeliever. I am glad you have finally posted. I know how hard it is to let it all out, now the healing begins. This young lady's family is truly a peice of work. I could also tell you stories, but will leave it for another time.
When your dad choked you to the point of passing out, in my book that is attempted murder!!!!!! That is rightous conduct for a elder. Yah right!!!
Just to let you all know, if you have not figured it out already, Newly Enlightened and I are her "mom" and "dad" now. We have tried to help some, but Gogira 101 has been the biggest source of help. Keep it up Kiddo! We are all in this together, and together we will make it out alive.
And when it is appropriate this adds to the bigger and most unbelieveable story, we have yet to tell.
I truly hope you can find the love you have missed out on, and I am glad to see you have broken the mold, continue to love your own kids and treat them as gold, the gold your parents never gave you.
I love you!
Affectionatelly, Brother of the Hawk [I will surrender my mind no more, forever]